Eva Jenkner

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Center Director

Ms. Eva Jenkner, a national of Germany, joined AFRTIAC West 2 as Director in September 2021. She is an economist with more than 20 years of experience in the implementation of macroeconomic policies across Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia. Her experience includes emerging market economies (Albania, Hungary, Mexico, Peru, Serbia, Sri Lanka) and low-income/fragile states (Honduras, Nicaragua, West Bank and Gaza). It encompasses all aspects of IMF country work and capacity development support to member countries, primarily on public expenditure policies and fiscal sustainability. On leave from the IMF, Ms. Jenkner went on two external assignments with the Ministry of Finance of Georgia in Tbilisi, Georgia (2004-2005); and with UNICEF Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2009-2010), respectively. Her research interests include gender, growth, and social expenditures. She holds a BA (Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge and an MPA in Economics and Public Policy from Princeton University.